Frisches Haff Flucht 18 Feb 1945
Expulsion - Vertriebenen

Soviet Aerial Attacks (2 partial Reports)

The content and material for this post came to my possession via a recommendation of a very good Polish friend who lives in Elbląg, Polska (formerly Elbing, Westpreußen). The Soviet military text was generously translated by Irina Yanushkevich (retired Linguistics Professor and ManyRoads partner). The original source material was sourced and posted on facebook by Szymon Gieryga.

English translation of the two Soviet documents (contained in the above folder).

Frisches Haff Flucht-Report-1

(English Translation)

On the 18th the division was to perform a special task: to destroy the enemy troops retreating along the spit of FRISCHE NERUNG and along the icy roads in the area of PASSARGE, NARMELN, NEUKRUG.

From 15.40 till 16.20 on 18.02.45 this task was being fulfilled by 8 groups, 4-5 aircraft each, belonging to 75 and 136 GAAR (Guards Assault Air Regiment. – transl.’s note). Three groups, having faced bad weather conditions on their route – overcast at the height of 70-100 m, visibility less than 1 km, – failed to reach the target and attacked a spare target in the area of PETERSWALD.

Five groups, in spite of the hard weather conditions, reached the target and completed the task. From time to time the attack aircrafts were forced to go down to 70 m and to make their way at a visibility of 500-700 m.

Generously translated into English by Linguistics Professor Irina Yanushkevich.


Frisches Haff Flucht-Report-2

(English Translation)


the direction of the wind was taken into account. The smoke screen was thick along the target area of the spit. Thanks to this, our vanguard units did not suffer a single loss when crossing the strait.

c) With the start of the crossing, the layered actions of 5 groups, 4-6 IL-2 aircraft each, against the troops and the firepower of the enemy in the northern part of the spit, south of the strait, supported the crossing troops and secured them on the south bank of the strait.

Picture (labelled: Frisches Haff Flucht Report (extracted photo).jpg). The results of the attack aircraft of the 75th GAAR (Guards Assault Air Regiment. – transl.’s note) on the 25th of April 1945 in the northern tip of the spit of FRISCHE NERUNG, the area of NEUTIF. The picture was taken by pilot PROKOPIK.

The troops of the 11th Guards Army, with the assistance of the attack aircraft of the division, during the day of the 25th of April captured the city, the fortress and the port of PILLAU, and by the end of the day they crossed the strait and entrenched in the northern bank of the spit.

Generously translated into English by Linguistics Professor Irina Yanushkevich.

ManyRoads Note:

Although, these military documents imply those targeted in these attacks by Soviet Air Squadrons were military, I believe they were largely unarmed refugees.  You may examine other photographic evidence of known civilian refugees crossing the Frisches Haff during this time period and decide what you believe. Flucht und Vertriebung Gallerie (German Expulsion Gallery)

To better understand my frame of reference regarding these years and events you may read: On the “Vertreibung”, Expulsions, and Hope

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