Our Families

  • Prussia,  Senger,  WW2

    The Sengers -1920 to 1944

    Richard Senger was a successful German farmer (Landwirt)  in West Prussia. He worked and cared for his family’s farm with the help of his wife (Frieda), children (Luise & Erich), his brother Rudolf (Onkel Rudolf, known simply as Onkel) and his sister-in-law Erna Recht (Tante Erna). The homestead and lands had been in the Senger family since before 1893; when the home was built by Richard’s father and mother, Michael & Adelgunde Senger. The Senger farm was located on the banks of the Nogat River in Zeyervorderkampen (Kreis Elbing in Grosses Werder). At the time of the establishment of Freie Staat Danzig in 1920, the farm was the first farm…

  • Expulsion - Vertriebenen,  Prussia,  Senger

    Richard Senger- The Long Road

    In late winter of 1944/45, the Senger’s farm was overrun and occupied by a command of the advancing Russian armies.  The family furniture and possessions were stolen by non-Germans;  the lives and history of the Senger family were unalterably, irretrievably changed. Only the Senger farm and two other farms in the village of Zeyersvorderkampen remained standing following the Soviet bombardment and artillery attacks which accompanied their nearly complete destruction and invasion of the area.  Ultimately, the Senger farm was left as the sole ‘undamaged’  farm in Zeyersvorderkampen. At first, the farm was used to house Soviet commanders; ultimately, possession of the farm, lands, buildings and few remaining possessions were confiscated…

  • Expulsion - Vertriebenen,  Senger

    Frieda Senger- Post WW2 Gulag

    As the Russians invaded West Prussia near the end of World War 2, they rounded up abled bodied Germans to ‘work’ as slave labor in their Gulags.  These ‘unlucky’ Germans (some three million) were shipped by train to forced labor camps in the far East.  Frieda Senger, along with her friend and neighbor, Edith Ebel, were among those shipped by rail into the Russian Gulags; in her case, the trip was to prisons some 1700 miles or 2700 kms east.  She, like many others, was deported from her and her husband’s lands (which were now in the hands of the Russians) and forced into slavery; she was not seen or…

  • Expulsion - Vertriebenen,  Histories,  Senger,  WW2

    Gulag Perm-36

    Although, we now know with certainty that Frieda Senger was not interned in Perm-36 Gulag; it does represent a Gulag proximate to her location.  The photos in this article represent a good approximation of the Gulags in Chelyabinsk. Frieda Senger spent 2 and one half years starting in 1945 in the Gulags. Somehow, she was lucky and survived. Wikipedia article on post WW2 Germans in Russian Gulags These images are used with permission (Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover…

  • Our Families,  Pioneers

    Zacharie Cloutier

    Zacharie Cloutier was born on  February 2, 1589, in St. Jean, Perche, France; the son of Denis Cloutier and Renee Briere.  His mother died on May 1, 1608, and his father then married Jeanne Rahir-Gaultier on November 3 of the same year. A carpenter by trade, Zacharie’s interest in the ‘New World’ began early.  When Henry De Montmorency purchased the colony from his brother-in-law, Prince De Conde, in 1619; he began to recruit labourers to assist Champlain in  “inhabiting, clearing, cultivating and planting” New France; and when the St. Etienne arrived at Tadoussac on July 7, 1619; included on the passenger list of the 80 colonists, were the names of…

  • Histories,  Our Families,  Prussia,  Senger

    Senger Family

    The Senger family had lived in Kreis Grosses Werder area of West Prussia since at least the late 1600’s. Both 20th Century World Wars took a heavy toll on the entire ‘clan’.  Many family members and all the Senger lands and possessions were either destroyed or taken. The those who were not killed in the fighting were forced to leave their homes as a result of the WW2 allies ethnic cleansing pograms following the defeat of Germany.  Along with as many as 12 million other Germans the Sengers were either force marched to work in Russian labor camps or left behind to work as slaves on their own lands. Finally…

  • Richard Senger circa 1952
    Prussia,  Senger

    Richard Senger -90th Birthday

    Richard Senger, einst Bauer in Westpreußen, feierte 90. Geburtstag Schwifting(m). Schnittblumen, Blumen­schalen, köstliche Getränke und weitere Prä­sente schmücken das Wohnzimmer im Hause ‘der Familie Senger in der Schwiftinger Sied­lung. Vor wenigen Tagen feierte der “Se­nior” des Hauses, Opa Richard Senger, sei­nen 90. Geburtstag. Anlaß genug für dieMitbürgerschaft, um Schwiftings derzeit altesten Mitbürger zu ehren und zu erfreuen, ihm ‘ die herzlichsten Glückwünsche für den weiteren Lebensabend mitzugeben. Richard Senger stammt aus Westpreußen. In seinen Adern fließt urwüchsiges bäuerli­ches Blut. Am 2. Februar 1879 wurde er in Zeyersvorderkampe bei Danzig geboren. Wie seine Eltern Bauern waren, so wurde auch Richard Senger Bauer, um einmal das Erbe seines Vaters, einen Stättlichen Hof,…

  • Senger,  WW2

    Willi Wedhorn

    ZUM GEDENKEN Nachname:            Wedhorn Vorname:            Willi Dienstgrad:            Unteroffizier Geburtsdatum:            26.03.1923 Geburtsort: Todes-/Vermisstendatum:        15.04.1945 Todesort: Willi Wedhorn ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Futa-Pass (Italien). Endgrablage: Block 8 Grab 754 Nähere Informationen zu diesem Friedhof erhalten Sie hier. Information on the battle in which Willi died may be found Wikipedia. Images of Willi Wedhorn Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. Bundesgeschäftsstelle Pressereferat Werner-Hilpert-Straße 2 D 34112 Kassel Telefon    (0561) 7009-0 Telefax    (0561) 7009-270 E-Mail     presse@volksbund.de  

  • Senger

    Michael Senger

    Michael Senger History -as related to Mark Rabideau by Luise (Senger) Rabideau  (Michael’s grand daughter) Jan 2006 Michael was the husband of Adelgunde Kiehl- they married about 1868  near Jungfer/ Zeyer Westpreussen Their marriage lasted about 55 years They had thirteen children of whom seven children lived to adulthood and two were killed in World War 1. Michael died on his son Richard’s farm in May of 1932 after being kicked by a horse at the age of 93. He was kicked in the head, suffered severe  (irreversible) paralysis and was euthanized, at his request, by the local doctor. Michael and Adelgunde built the farm which Richard Senger worked in…

  • Senger

    Hermann Recht

    Johann Hermann Recht History -this is an account that has evolved significantly from what began as an oral history related to Mark Rabideau by Luise (Senger) Rabideau (Hermann Recht’s grand daughter) on 9 Jan 2006; today this history is augmented with numerous additions and amendments from Mark Rabideau’s subsequent research as well as family information and stories from Otto Wedhorn family descendants most notably Frieda (Wedhorn) Mimietz. Hermann Recht was born as Johann Hermann Recht on 16 June 1869 in Zeyersniederkampen, Westpreussen. To date, we have not found his birth record. Johann Hermann Recht’s parents were: Father: Samuel Ferdinand Recht (Hofbesitzer of Zeyersniederkampen) and Mother: Henriette Schepansky (Caroline Henriette Sczepanski…

  • Prussia,  Senger,  WW2

    Erich Recht

    ZUM GEDENKEN Name: Erich Recht Dienstgrad: Gefreiter geboren: 12.02.1924, Tattamischken Truppenteil: 1./Pi. 198 Erkennungsmarke: -1-Marsch Komp.Eisb.Pi.Ers.Btl.4 Todestag: 09.09.1944 Todesort: Raum Vallecchio Bestattet: Gem.Montecolombo-Ca Menghino/Forli Feldgrab Umgebettet nach: Futa-Pass / Italien Block: 48 Grab: 815 821 Futa-Pass ist die größte deutsche Ehrenstätte des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Italien, auf der über 30 660 deutsche Gefallene ihre letzte Ruhestätte gefunden haben. Der weitaus größte Teil der dort Bestatteten ist in den vom Herbst 1944 bis zum April 1945 andauernden Kämpfen gefallen, die zwischen Carrara am Ligurischen Meer und dem Raum von Rimini an der Adria stattfanden. Die Gefallenen wurden von dem erfahrenen Fachpersonal des VOLKSBUNDES aus Feldgräbern und Gemeindefriedhöfen der umliegenden Provinzen auf…

  • Prussia,  Senger,  WW2

    Egon Recht

    ZUM GEDENKEN Nachname:            Recht Vorname:            Egon Dienstgrad: Geburtsdatum:            23.09.1922 Geburtsort: Todes-/Vermisstendatum:        01.07.1944 Vermißtort/Todesort:            Mittelabschnitt Nach den uns vorliegenden Informationen ist die o. g. Person seit 01.07.1944 vermißt. In einem Gedenkbuch haben wir den Namen und die persönlichen Daten des Obengenannten verzeichnet. Sie können gern einen Auszug bei uns bestellen. Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. Bundesgeschäftsstelle Pressereferat Werner-Hilpert-Straße 2 D 34112 Kassel Telefon    (0561) 7009-0 Telefax    (0561) 7009-270 E-Mail     presse@volksbund.de

  • Senger,  WW1

    Albert Senger

    ZUM GEDENKEN Nachname:     Senger Vorname:     Albert Dienstgrad:     Reservist Geburtsdatum:     27.05.1888 Geburtsort:     Zeyervorderkampen Todes-/Vermisstendatum:     03.12.1914 Todes-/Vermisstenort: Albert Senger ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Noyers-Pont-Maugis (Frankreich). Endgrablage: Block B Grab 2148 Nähere Informationen zu diesem Friedhof erhalten Sie hier. Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. Bundesgeschäftsstelle Pressereferat Werner-Hilpert-Straße 2 D 34112 Kassel Telefon    (0561) 7009-0 Telefax    (0561) 7009-270 E-Mail     presse@volksbund.de

  • Prussia,  Senger,  WW1

    Adolf Senger

    Adolf Senger was the tenth (10th) of Michael Senger’s and Adelgunde Kiel’s 13 children.  He was the second of their sons to give his life in World War 1. Based upon the small amount of information available in the “Deutsche Verlustlisten”, I believe my great uncle fought with: The 75.Infanterie-Brigade 1. Masurisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 146 III. Bataillon 9. Kompagnie In July of 1915, units of this organization were engaged with the enemy (Russia) on the Eastern front in what is known as the  Gorlice–Tarnów Offensive (if you are interested in films of the offensive, numerous are available on YouTube). To date, we have not found any indication of a military…

  • Active Research,  Senger

    Adelgunde Senger (geboren Kiehl)

    This page is under development; research is on-going Note: additional source materials are currently being obtained. Adelgunde Kiehl History -as related to Mark Rabideau by Luise (Senger) Rabideau  (Aledgunde’s grand daughter) Jan 2006 She was born to a family of barge owners (the Kiehl’s)– her birth record we know her birth to have been on the 6th of October 1850 and baptized on 9 October of 1850 near Graudenz Mittelbezirk Westpreussen. It is believed that her mother (Esther Adelgunde geboren Grindemann) died giving child birth. Her father (Erdmann Kiehl) is believed to have died 6 days after her birth. Adelgunde was raised by relatives (an uncle?) near Tiegenhof, Westpreussen. Her…

  • Our Families,  Pioneers,  Rabideau

    Andre Robidou

    Christening: 1640 Ste Marie, Galice, Burgos, Spain Burial: 1 Apr 1678 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Summary for Andre Robidou dit L’Espagnol Came to St. Lambert, LaPrairie, Quebec in 1670. Andre was part Spanish and of dark complection and was sometimes called the Spaniard. The 1666 census for the town of Quebec shows Andre as a sailor and employed by Eustache Lambert, a prominent interpreter, settler, and fur-trader. Employees were paid 10 cents a day with board and lodging. Andre Robidou Timeline Thanks to the diligent research of Guy Rabideau we now have a bit more detailed history of Andre and his life. original source Circa 1636-1640- Andre is born in Sainte-Marie,…