• Jewish forced Laborers in a water works camp (Wasserwirtschaftslager) in the Lublin District, IPN Lublin 500-44

    Add’l Holocaust Resources Uncovered

    For those of you who are seeking good sources of information regarding the Holocaust- Shoah, hopefully you will find the following sites of value. While conducting a Holocaust- Shoah site development activity with a colleague from Germany and in performing Shoah client work, I have recently uncovered several extremely valuable websites. Included among these are: The International Tracing Service “ITS Digital Collections Online“ The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI)-Countries A general introduction to the EHRI country reports can be found on the EHRI project website. The EHRI also has three very interesting recent BLOG entries: Forced Labourers and the Water Works Camps in the Lublin District Online Finding Aid on…