German Genealogy Pointers

Old German Terms, Occupations, etc.

Blacksmith-shopTerms, occupations, and more change over time. If you are in the business of tracking down your German (Germanic) ancestors the following links may be of help to you.  These links include old terms for professions, diseases, occupations, and more. Many of these terms and abbreviations are not in common use today… so hopefully these lists will help ‘clear’ some confusion.

A note of caution, many (most) of these linked pages are in German; put on your German language ‘hat’ or use Google Translate!

If you have any links you would like added, please use our contact page to let me know.

These links also appear on our links page (and are updated as new links are discovered.)

German Speaking Peoples (Links)

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ManyRoads Creator, Professional Genealogist, Family Historian, ManyRoads Podcast co-host, Old Guy and most importantly 'opa'