
A New Genealogy Technology, Tips & Tricks Site

  • Have you ever wished there was a place to get and give answers as they relate to using technology in support of your genealogical and historical research efforts?
  • Do you have a need to protect, share, communicate genealogical and historical information with family? Clients?
  • Are you curious about what technological approaches might be working for others?
  • Might you want to share your “hard won” learnings with others?

question2answer-logo-350x40If you are interested in getting free Technology Tips & Tricks (for your Genealogical & Historical Research endeavors) and you are interested in helping us (GenerousGenealogists) get “the ball rolling” on just such a resource, please visit:

  • Genealogy Technology, Tips & Tricks site

There is no need to register to add questions or to give answers… however, you do need to be registered in order to ‘vote’ on the quality of an answer or question. All responses and inquiries from non-registered users (as well as casual users, with low site participation ratings) will be moderator approved, and modified as necessary, before they “go on-line”.

The new site’s landing page provides a fairly detailed explanation of what the site is designed to address. It also provides links to information and tips on how to use the tools available on the site. I have, also, seeded the new site with a few questions both to provide some shreds of “meat on the bones” as well as for testing purposes.

This new area of GenerousGenealogists is being managed completely separately from the main site. There will be no sharing of registrations, usernames, and the like. In the early phases of roll-out for this new Q&A endeavor, we are attempting to maintain a much different and ‘lighter’ touch in terms of user registration and controls. Our hope is that this will facilitate more activity and broader use.

Obviously, this new site will only succeed if you stop by and ask or answer questions…. so please stop by, visit & give it a whirl.

If you want to learn more about the tools we use to build the site, please visit the Question2Answer homepage.

As with all of GenerousGenealogists efforts, this service and site is completely free.

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ManyRoads Creator, Professional Genealogist, Family Historian, ManyRoads Podcast co-host, Old Guy and most importantly 'opa'