Expulsion - Vertriebenen,  Kreis Elbing

Grete geb. Roschkowski & Hannelore geb. Petroschka- Remembrances of Elbing

Hannelore Petroschka and Grete geb. Roschkowski were among the tens of thousands of Germans forcibly removed from their home by the

Hannelore Petroschka geb. Roschkowski
Hannelore Petroschka geb. Roschkowski

German Expulsion – “Ethnic Cleansing” of  Elbing/Elblag following World War 2.

In March of 2013, I was contacted by Hannelore’s grand-daughter who wrote:

My Grandmother Hannelore was born in Elbing [West Prussia] in 1923 to Julius Petroschka and Grete Roschkowski (whose family owned a furniture factory in Elbing).

After my grandmother died a lot of her belongings were lost but we have recently discovered a box of photographs which included a lot of post cards from Elbing and the surrounding areas. It seems my great grandmother purchased them before they [the family] fled Elbing; knowing that [they] would never be able to go back.

I’ve uploaded them [her photos] to my flikr account[…] if you might find them useful please feel free to use them.

What follows is a reformatted version of Hannelore and Grete’s photographic collection; this collection/ these images represent memories of their alte Heimatland (old homeland). Please be aware that I have enhanced these images, to the best of my ability, from the originals sourced on Flickr.  Hopefully, this image library represents an accurate & true version of  the original postcards and photos.

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ManyRoads Creator, Professional Genealogist, Family Historian, ManyRoads Podcast co-host, Old Guy and most importantly 'opa'