Kreis Elbing,  Mennonites

Mennonite Histories of West Prussia

The links on this page have been sourced from the Prussian Mennonite Genealogy Resources site. I have rearranged the original links and grouped them for my convenience. Please note, these materials are used without permission because there was no copyright notice or location from which to request usage permission.

All ownership and rights of this material belongs to its original author(s). If you wish to use the most current information and links on these topics and more, I encourage you to visit the original site.

Any research queries should be directed to one of the Mennonite archives in Canada or the U.S.

Danzig District

Marienwerder District
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ManyRoads Creator, Professional Genealogist, Family Historian, ManyRoads Podcast co-host, Old Guy and most importantly 'opa'