Help Wanted,  ManyRoads

Clyde Ross- photos found

If you know of anyone related to and/or seeking images of a young Clyde Ross born in Cambridge Illinois, USA in the year 1896, we have 5 original photos of Clyde. The photos show Clyde at the ages of 3 months through 7 years (approx.). We found these wonderful photos in an antique store in Denver and simply could not let the collection be broken up any more than it already had been.  Besides, the images of Clyde growing up simply charmed us.






If you are related to and are seeking images of Clyde, we’d love to send digital copies of Clyde’s photos back to his family. Please use our contact page to get in touch with us directly.

ManyRoads Creator, Professional Genealogist, Family Historian, ManyRoads Podcast co-host, Old Guy and most importantly 'opa'