Expulsion - Vertriebenen,  Videos

Political Debate about the Center Against Expulsion in Berlin (ARD)

Political Debate about the Center Against Expulsion in Berlin. Flucht und Vertreibung – Eskaliert der deutsch-polnische Zoff? (ARD Anne Will’s political talk show)

Unfortunately, it is not easy or simple to find factual information about controversial subjects like die Vertreibung (the Expulsion). We extend our sincerest appreciation to all our readers who have shared their experiences, links, articles, and photos on the subject.

We hope that you find these videos informative and helpful in developing a more complete and balanced understanding of what happened to Eastern Germans following the loss of World War 2.

For more background on why we present this information, please read:
On the “Vertreibung”, Expulsions, and Hope

Note: as with most YouTube videos these films are presented in segments most frequently around 10 minutes in length.


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ManyRoads Creator, Professional Genealogist, Family Historian, ManyRoads Podcast co-host, Old Guy and most importantly 'opa'